
Mudakathana keerai is a perennial climber with balloon like fruits and is best identified with the leaves and the beautiful green balloon like fruits. Here in Tamil Nadu, mudakathan keerai can be found easily along road sides and in waste lands. The tender young shoots of the plant is used in cooking and also in remedies.

Another important property of is it’s anti ulcer properties. Mudakathan keerai extract got by boiling the leaves in water has a mild anti ulcer properties and people who suffer from acidity will greatly benefit including mudakathan keerai in your diet. Try to consume it in the form of soup given below.

For treating joint pains, we add the mudakathan keerai leaves to regular dosai batter and make dosais out of it. The best thing about mudakathan keerai is it can be used both internally and externally for treating joint pain and regular use gives good relief. Mudakathan keerai also treats all cold and cough related problems.

This is a very safe herb that can be used even for treating children’s cough & cold. It can also be used to treat ear pain, menstrual cramps, general tiredness and sluggishness. Few drops of the mudakathan keerai leaves juice in the ear will treat ear pain. The poultice of this amazing herb can be used for all kinds of pain. The juice of this plant when combined together with pure turmeric powder and applied on the affected area treats eczema.

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